Slow Down with  Angèle Fougeirol

Slow Down with Angèle Fougeirol

Slow Down With



Meet Angèle Fougeirol, a model and ceramicist residing in Paris, France. She shares her experience following her dreams, staying true to herself, and the importance of meditative solitude. Hear her thoughts on life, mindful living, and personal style.

Photos by Marianna Troiani


Tell us about your career journey thus far:

I’ve been a model since I was three years old and started ceramics in childhood. As I grew up, it was a simple decision for me to study ceramics at Duperré art school. Now I work on ceramics with my mother in her studio in Paris. I had many modeling jobs as a child but wanted to do more as an adult. Through my agencies in Paris and my Instagram @angelefougeirol, I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with photographers and cool brands.

Tell us about being a model and ceramicist:

I love doing both for different reasons. Modeling is dynamic. I need to be social and concentrate on set; while ceramics is meditative, spending time alone with myself—both balance my mind and soul. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have both. I feel very equilibrated thanks to my two jobs.

The Inia


Where do you find inspiration? What fuels you?

I always strive to do my best. I find my inspiration in my parents, both artists who always worked for what they love. It had a lot of influence on my determination and passion for art. We travel a lot. I have many inspirations from our travels to China, India, Vietnam, Japan, and Korea (my mother is half Chinese and wanted me and my little brother to discover our roots).

What interests are a large part of your identity?

I swim, dance, and run. I used to play a lot of sports, now I don’t have the time, but I like to walk a minimum of 1 hour a day. I’m a big reader, like my grandma, who I resemble a lot. I’m an avid gardener, my boyfriend and I aim to live in the countryside very soon, we dream about a house with a big garden and many dogs.

What city do you live in and how does that influence your day-to-day?

I live in Paris, where I was born. However, living in the city can be exhausting. For the moment, I have my life and my jobs here, but I would like to move one day. Living in Paris influences me daily with the vast access to culture, art, and beauty.

Where can we find you on the weekend?

I live near Montmartre, a place I know well and often walk to on weekends. I also frequent the fleamarket of St Ouen next to my house, which is a lovely place to find vintage clothes and books.

Slow Moments


Slow Moments


Slow Moments


How do you slow down and recharge after a long day?

My boyfriend is a writer. He stays at home all day and is the one who takes care of the house, does the shopping, and cooks dinner. When I come after a long day, it’s so pleasant to be welcomed home with a good meal and my lover. It helps me slow down and recharge.

I often buy flowers and place them throughout the house. It brings me joy to see them. And my one hour walk home every day after work is also a significant and relaxing moment.

What slow moments in life do you savor the most?

I look forward to the simple moments of everyday life, eating good meals, having a hug, staying in bed all weekend, and reading a good book. Taking care of myself is essential for relaxation.

The Inia


What moments in life bring you the most joy and fill you up?

Being with my family is important to me. I long for summer or winter vacations when I can have big meals with all the people I love.

What does mindful living look like to you?

To me, mindful living is to be in good health and care for others and ourselves. I think we often forget to take the time to feel the present moment. Life needs to be in harmony with nature.

What steps do you take to show up authentically each day?

I try to be the most authentic person I can be. Doing ceramics is solitary work. I’m entirely in my own world with my thoughts. This time is essential to feel my feelings and stay true to myself. You can't be someone else when you’re creating something with your hands. You just have to be you. So it’s hard not to continue this immersion even when I’m out of the ceramic studio.

Do you have any rituals that help keep your mind clear?

A long walk in Paris always helps me keep my mind clear. During summer I enjoy walking at night with my lover or some friends, everything takes another dimension, life seems different during the night!

Slow Moments


Slow Moments


Slow Moments


What does shopping sustainably/thoughtfully mean to you?

I’m not big on shopping. When I have a crush on a garment, I think about it before buying it. I don’t need many clothes, so I resell what I no longer wear. I mainly shop vintage or am gifted clothes and accessories from brands I’ve modeled for.

How and when did you learn to dress for yourself?

When I was eleven, I asked my mother to stop choosing clothes because I wanted to dress myself. I followed fashion a lot when I was in high school, but little by little, I made and found my own style.

The Inia


What are you wearing when you feel the most like yourself?

A simple look: jeans, baskets, and a colored tee shirt. Or in summer I love wearing dresses.

What do you love about the ZX style you chose, and how has it filled gaps in your wardrobe or solved a styling rut you previously had?

I love the ZOU XOU Inia Flat's simple shape and chic look. I wear them at home, on the street, to dinner, or in everyday life. They are easy to style with clothes and accessories for different occasions. It’s challenging to find the perfect shoe that makes me feel comfortable and sexy like the Inia does.

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